Updated 6/24/2024
Regular Mass times are listed at the bottom of this page
eucharistic adoration
after 8 am mass-11 pm
eucharistic procession
from st alphonsus, peru to the sorrowful mother shrine
monday, june 24
beginning 8 am
For map and details
mass at the shrine, 1:30 pm
isaac mitchell wrote an award winning essay.
we will honor his accomplishment on sunday, june 23
Parish school of religion
Sunday classes
following 8:30 am mass
see you in september
Childrens liturgy of the word
during 8:30 am mass
The order of christian initiation of adults
for those wishing to learn more about the catholic faith
classes begin in september
call the church office for details, or the sign up.
can find a nearby church for you.
formed: catholic faith on demand. Visit formEd.org to sign up through our parish. Great content fOr all ages.

Welcome to Our Lady of Lourdes.
18 Park Ave. New London, OH 44851
Fr. Ron Brickner, Pastor
Priest Office (419) 929-4401
Church Office (419) 929-4402
Facebook Page: Our Lady of Lourdes/OLOL-New London
Mass Schedule
Our Lady of Lourdes, New London
Saturday Vigil 6 pm
Sunday 8:30 am
Tuesday 7 pm
Wednesday 8 am. Eucharistic Adoration before and after Mass until 11 pm.
St. Mary, Wakeman
Saturday Vigil 4 pm
Sunday 11 am
Thursday 9 am
Friday 9 am